Sunday, May 20, 2012

Another Loss

Sadly I have just seen news on the death of Robin Gibb...yet another musical genius dead...really this is beginning to get sad, people. Duck Dunn, Robin Gibb, Donna Summer, it's just insane really is. For the dead I offer this memoriam....

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Rant

Needless to say, I am not that huge of a fan of POTUS, however today, he did something that took a great deal of convection and guts. He became the first POTUS to say that gay marriage is alright. By saying that everyone...yes EVERYONE should be allow to get married, he added a landmark decision to his tenure. The way I look at it...marriage is the last legal form of slavery in existence...and if a straight couple wants to enter into it, why can't everyone?
Not knocking marriage, I know a lot of people who are in happy relationships, but look at the facts people, 50% of marriages end in divorce. Quit acting like all marriages are perfect. And, I am sorry, all you religious overbearing self-righteous many of you are in marriages that are happy? Not too many. Considering you have stories about preachers killing their families, of sex scandals in churches, not to mention the countless number of hookers your heroes like Jimmy Swaggert, Jerry Falwell, and more than likely, your guru Pat Robertson have had in their lives they have no reason to pass judgement.
Speaking of those who pass judgement...the not so great state of North pathetic, racist, backwoods, bible thumping, sister fucking yokels..what gives you the right to tell anyone that they cannot marry? Who are you to deny anyone their rights? Do you all have a cross shoved so far up your collective asses that you can't think? How many of the state leaders are secretly gay? How many of the meetings in the governor's mansion end up in some sort of homoerotic game? You are no better than terrorists, you are no better than murderers, you are no better than dirt! The number of young adults who will kill themselves in your state because they aren't allowed to love who they love because of you bastards....may that haunt you til the days you all die...and I hope that when you get to whatever "heaven" you believe in... I hope a gay man is waiting to allow you access...and then you will see what your hatred will get you.
So bravo to the POTUS for standing up for the rights of the silent, and to the morons in North are cowards, low life, pathetic, bible-thumping cowards, and there is a special place in Hell waiting for you.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Random in May

So I have had some thoughts and I wanted to share, and since I don't have to worry about how proper it is writtten here...I am going to just go on...what is the difference between arrogance and confidence..the answer, is very little. you can be arrogant and have no confidence, and you can be confident without being reality they are interchangable. both have drawbacks and both have times when they are needed....
words like perfection and satisfaction mean nothing until you give them meaning..a perfectionist believes in 100%, a realist should believe in 99.9%. perfection doesn't exist, it is just a word...that's all words are..just words until you give them a meaning...its all nothing until its given life, look at actors, they get words on a page, and until they say those words in the right tone, the right way they are still just words....
thoughts are funny things, if we are all supposed to have them, why are they not all seens as valid...if we can think it, we should be able to express those thoughts, yes, not all of them are right, are logical, are "perfect" but they are your own, ergo to you, they can be anything. anything you want them to be because they belong to you, not to anyone or anything else...your own time and place belong who you chose to occupy the space.....
there is nothing else more to say other than what you chose to say. we spend far too much time searching for the words to please everyone else, when all you have to really do is tell the ones who want to tell you everything to bugger off...get lost...get the hell out...shut the fuck up..leave you alone...however you want to say it, you have to say it.  sometimes its not all black and white, that nondescript shade of gray is where the majority lives. but there are those that have to believe it is black and white, all or nothing...but its not...the difference, the shades of gray can teach you more....
just some random thoughts for my first posting in may.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Family Is Back!

So, imagine my surprise today when I got on Facebook to see a message from my friend Nicole...shout out to Velma...saying "OMG Kevin's back!!" I was intrigued, thinking, wait a minute, Papi left a few years ago to spend time with the family..which I understood, supported and after a few margaritas and tears, accepted it. Now, thanks to seaching the webiste and hearing it out of the mouths of a couple of babes....Nick still looks 18 don't he? Lol! We find out....that in every sense of the words...Backstreet is indeed back! All of them are back again, a new album...all good to go again...Ladies, I'm 16 again, and I am happy! So I have to have to put a few of my favorite videos on here to welcome back Kevin...Backstreet's Back! Whoo Hoo!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Another Loss

My post yesterday has to be changed Levon Helm, the husky Southren voice of The Band succumbed to throat the age of 71. In the words of Freddie Mercury...another one bites the dust. Levon Helm, for those who don't know, was the drummer for The Band, he was the lead vocalist for songs like Up On Cripple Creek, Ophelia, The Weight, and The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down. He was the basis for the Elton John song that bears his name...Levon.
He was also a very good actor, played Loretta Lynn's father in Coal Miners Daughter. 71 years old...71 good years. But its still hard isn't it? Losing Davy Jones in his 60's, Levon Helm in his 70's and Dick Clark in his 80's....why do the good ones go too soon?  In memory of Levon Helm I am putting some videos of The Band and a scene from Coal Miners Daughter. RIP Mr. Helm...the other side welcomed a wonderful musician tonight.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Another Loss In TV Land

Dick Clark...America's Oldest Living Teenager is dead at the age of 82.  To the "baby-boomer" generation another part of their  childhood is dead. Another brick in the wall has fallen. It is and death is hand-in-hand...It is sad, but it is true. Dick Clark, Davy Jones, Jeff Conaway....all these bright stars have dimmed, and those stars will never burn again. But, they will never be forgotten. Everyone lives, not everyone dies...Death is one thing that we cannot fix, change, or stop. Life is one thing we cannot fix, change or stop. It is a circle that never stops going around. My New Year's Eve for 31 years has been spent watching Dick Clark, watching the ball drop in Times Square, and now I don't think I can ever watch it again. It has been taken over by Ryan Seacrest....that ruins it for me. Dick Clark, Davy Jones, Jeff Conaway...and soon to be Levon Helm. I hope Levon can hold on, as is my hope for Robin Gibb. All these brilliant people, leaving so soon. May they find the glowing light waiting for them, and may they decided to take this journey again.

Levon Helm....Amazing Drummer...Amazing Band

Robin Gibb....Hold On Mate...Hold On

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Been Awhile

Sometimes I forget that I have this thing...I just go on about my business and don't really add anything. Been just hanging out, not really doing or thinking anything super important. I have noticed that I have turned into a YouTube person. Looking up old videos, old memories that I can find at the flick of a switch. I used to have a way of telling who was of my time and who wasn' was this...
That was from 1989...when I was 8 year old, a few months before I turned 9...I remember it so well. Funny isn't it?
That was so long ago, but it seems like yesterday. 2012....seems like another lifetime.
That was my Blast From The Past for the night.